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Monday, June 30, 2008

Massive Game Header Tutorial


This is the Tutorial number 80 from the 100 Marathon Tutorial
As i have told you i will try to add a tutorial each day.

I will show you how to create a game header layout

Open a new document
Size: 760 x 450 pixels
Background color: #333333

Then Create a shape like in the following image with the Rounded Rectangle Tool ( set the radius to 5 pixels )

Then go to Layer > Rasterize > Shape

Select Rectangular marquee tool ( set the radius to 0 pixels ) and make the following selection

Then Hit Delete on your keyboard
Then press CTRL+D to deselect

Select pen Tool and use the following settings

Then with Pen tool make the following path

Then press on The Load Path as a selection

The result will be in the following image

Then hit one more time the delete key from your keyboard
Press CTRL+D to deselect and you should have something like this

Duplicate this layer , then go to Edit > transform > Flip Horizontal
Then with the right arrow key move this new layer to the right

Then Select both layers , and press CTRL+E ( this will merge this 2 layer into a single one )

Now add the following layer styles

This is the result

Select Elliptical marquee tool and make a selection like in the following image

Create a new layer ( press CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+N )
Then go to Edit > Stroke and use the following settings

Press CTRL+D to deselect
Then with the erase tool , delete all the line , and be sure you will leave only some small lines like in the following image

Then for this small lines add the following layer style

This is the result

Now Create some small shapes.

Now rasterize all this red shapes
Then apply the following layer styles for all red shapes

This is the result

Now take the Eraser Tool and delete half of the shapes. Be sure you have this result

Now select Rounded Rectangle Tool and make some small shapes like in the following image

Duplicate this small shapes as many times you want and place it like me
You can use different colors if you want

Grab the rectangle Tool, and make a simple shape

Then add this layer styles

Then drag the layer above the background layer

Then duplicate the following layers

And place it like me. You can also add some text on the blue navigation bar

Select Line Tool, Set the line weight to 1 pixel and make 3 lines. one gray, one black and one gray ( grayblackgray ) and place it between your text buttons

Select Rounded rectangle Tool and create a white shape

Drag the layer above the background layer ( in layer palette )
Then add the following layer styles

This is the result

After that you can add some tech brushes. You can find some one deviantart.
Or you can add your own details, or your own images

This is my final result

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